The third of a three-part series titled “How to Get Hired in Cyber: Making the Cut at ManTech.’ Defense contractor ManTech’s Cyber, Forensic and Intrusion Analysis Division, a part of the Mission Cyber and Intelligence solutions group, is a leader in providing cutting-edge cyber solutions to defense and intelligence community customers. The common denominator for cybersecurity careers? Skills, passion, and a security clearance are requirements in order to thrive in this increasingly in-demand field.
Mr. OU Phannarith is one of the well-known cybersecurity experts in Cambodia and the region. He is the founder of the first leading information security website ( in Cambodia. He has been invited to present in global conferences, forums, and seminars and he was awarded in Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) in 2016 by (ISC)2 and in December 2012 as one of the top 10 Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) in ASEAN by the International Data Group (IDG). Mr. OU has been the Professor specializing in Cybersecurity.
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