
Cybersecurity in a Post Covid-19 Indo-Pacific

ISAC Cambodia (InfoSec)

The Indo-Pacific Centre’s inaugural webinar was held in collaboration with the Howard Baker Forum, our Public Policy Partner and DXC Technology, our Global Technology Partner.

Digital connectivity is shaping our modern world and while it is in many ways bringing the future forward, it opens us to a spectrum of threats and challenges. With the widespread use of the smartphone, digital interactions now permeate every experience and transaction for businesses and end-consumers alike. The shift towards increasing economic connectivity has increased the associated risks of cybercrime within the digital infrastructure landscape. Adopting preventative security and defence measures to operate within the cyber world is now a prerequisite across all industries and market segments, as breaches in cybersecurity can have devastating consequences.

Covid-19 has caused a shift in business programs and objectives, with remote work and the uptake in digital services particularly e-commerce, having grown exponentially during 2020. With rising international business risk, corporate cybersecurity operations have jumped to the top of the list of priorities for many businesses that aim to ensure secure connections, prevent network threats and business continuity in the era of the new-normal.

Our Speakers
» Gaurav Keerthi, Deputy Chief Executive (Development), Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
» General Rajesh Pant, Cybersecurity Chief, National Cyber Coordination Centre, India
» Hirai Hirohide, Director-General, Commerce and Information Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
» Mark Hughes, Senior Vice President, Offerings & Strategic Partners, DXC Technology

Our Moderator
» Rohan Gunaratna, Professor of Security Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

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Mr. OU Phannarith is one of the well-known cybersecurity experts in Cambodia and the region. He is the founder of the first leading information security website ( in Cambodia. He has been invited to present in global conferences, forums, and seminars and he was awarded in Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) in 2016 by (ISC)2 and in December 2012 as one of the top 10 Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) in ASEAN by the International Data Group (IDG). Mr. OU has been the Professor specializing in Cybersecurity.

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