Information Security Seminar! FREE! No Registration!

Information Security Seminar! FREE to Join! No Registration!
What: Information Security Conference
When: September 28, 2013 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: University of Puthisastra, Conference Room, Building B, 3rd Floor.
Topics and Speakers:
- Topic – “Information Security in Cambodia – The Way Forward”, Mr. OU PHANNARITH, Head of CamCERT, NiDA.
- Topic – “How to Maximize Your Website Security – SQL Injection”, Mr. Ly Vandy
- Topic – “Smart Phone Security”, Mr. Cheat Sovichea
- Topic – “The benefits of get training from Microsoft IT Academy”, Mr. Ham Sokly
Speaker Profile
Topic – “Information Security in Cambodia – The Way Forward”
Mr. OU Phannarith started his professional life in 2002 as a Web Developer andSystem Analyst. Becoming interested in security, he moved into Information Securityin 2005. Until December 2007, he has been appointed to the Head of NationalCambodia Computer Emergency Response Team (CamCERT). Seeing theachievements under his management, in 2011, he has been appointed as thepermanent member of Cybercrime Law Formulation Working Group under Councilof Ministers.
Besides, his main duties, he is also the independent consultant for various international companies and organizations on IT and Cybersecurity.He has been invited to present in global conferences, forums, and seminars and haspublished articles for both locally and internationally. In December 2012, he hadreceived an award title “CSO ASEAN Award 2012” organized by International DataGroup (IDG) in HoChi Min City, Vietnam.
2. Mr. Ly Vandy
Topic – “How to Maximize Your Website Security – SQL Injection”
Based on my experience of web application development for almost 7 years, I have now become a Web Project Manager for GreenICT Technology, Co.,LTDsince2011. Currently, beside my website development career, I am also a Web Application Security Consultantto many big companies in Cambodia in order to test their products, both finding vulnerabilities (security assessment), and protectionconfiguration (on web application layer and web server).
Beside my professional employment at a private company, I also volunteer as an Incident Analystat CamCert (NiDA) by helping the head of the department ongeneral security assessment, protection, and forensic work. With this work, I can helpmake penetration-testing or check hacked websites (victim) find the way an attackerhacked into their website by showing proof, report, and givingrecommendations.Moreover, I have just become “Technical Project Advisor” forOWASPin the role of Education Advisor. I am very happy to become a part of thisadvisory group so that I can share and update my knowledge.
3. Mr. Cheat Sovichea
Topic – “Smart Phone Security”
Mr. Sovichea CHEAT (aka Victor C. Sovichea) has been serving the royalgovernment and private sector for more than 7 years taking responsibilities fromtechnical to policy-making level. His latest degree is Master of Computing fromRMIT University in Australia.
Victor has proudly brought back useful skills to hisbeloved Cambodia with hopes of sharing his knowledge to local expert’s for developing better cyber-space in Cambodia, and readiness for the coming ASEANintegration 2015 and the on-going globalization. His main interesting field is CyberSecurity, Forensics and Investigation.
Besides daily duties, he is currently establishinga blog-project, VCS Trustnet, aiming to distribute his research reports, resources, tips, and consultancy service to the public.
Tentative Agenda
7:30 AM – 8:00 AM : Registration
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM : Welcome Remark by the Organizer
8:15 AM – 8:30 AM : Topic – “The benefits of get training from Microsoft IT
Academy”, by Mr. Ham Sokly
8:30 AM – 9:20 AM : Topic – “Information Security in Cambodia – The Way
Forward”, by Mr. OU PHANNARITH
9:20 AM – 10:10 AM : Topic – “How to Maximize Your Website Security – SQL
Injection”, by Mr. Ly Vandy
10:10 AM – 10:50 AM : Topic – “Smart Phone Security”, by Mr. Cheat Sovichea
10:50 AM – 11:40 AM : Panel Discussion – “Internet Security”, all above speaker
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