ISAC Cambodia (InfoSec)



Welcome to Part 6 of the Exploit Research Megaprimer. Please begin this series by watching Part 1, if you have not already done so!We have covered Buffer Overflows in-depth! Now let us move on to more interesting topics! The next couple of videos will be SEH based exploitation. SEH stands for Structured Exception Handler, and is a software system for dispatching and handling exceptions on Windows.

Using an overflow attack, it is possible to get control of the SEH and in the process pwn the system. In this first video of the SEH series, I will introduce you to the basics of exception handling, exception handlers, handler linked lists, how an SEH chain gets created at runtime, registration of handlers, role of the stack in SEH, default handler by the OS, implementation of SEH in Visual C++ and take a demo to understand these concepts.

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Apsara Media Services (AMS)


Mr. OU Phannarith is one of the well-known cybersecurity experts in Cambodia and the region. He is the founder of the first leading information security website ( in Cambodia. He has been invited to present in global conferences, forums, and seminars and he was awarded in Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) in 2016 by (ISC)2 and in December 2012 as one of the top 10 Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) in ASEAN by the International Data Group (IDG). Mr. OU has been the Professor specializing in Cybersecurity.

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