ISAC Cambodia (InfoSec)


Welcome to Part 3 of the Exploit Research Megaprimer. Please begin this series by watching Part 1, if you have not already done so!

In this video, we will look at how to exploit a simple buffer overflow caused by misuse of the strcpy function. You can download the vulnerable server Server-Strcpy.exe and follow this video.

We will take the vulnerable server, understand how it works, write a python program to cause a buffer overflow, use Immunity Debugger to investigate the buffer overflow, find the offset of the Return Address and ESP from the start of the user input. Then we will create a payload and try to exploit the overflow, but we will figure out that our payload and return address contains the bad character 0x00. We will then learn how to find bad characters, use a “JMP ESP” address in a DLL to exploit this overflow, use msfpayload and msfencode to create a payload without the bad characters to finally exploit this overflow! We will be looking at some new concepts which include jumping to our payload on the stack using a “JMP ESP” instruction, finding and removing bad characters and understanding the need for a NOP Sled.

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Apsara Media Services (AMS)


Mr. OU Phannarith is one of the well-known cybersecurity experts in Cambodia and the region. He is the founder of the first leading information security website ( in Cambodia. He has been invited to present in global conferences, forums, and seminars and he was awarded in Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) in 2016 by (ISC)2 and in December 2012 as one of the top 10 Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) in ASEAN by the International Data Group (IDG). Mr. OU has been the Professor specializing in Cybersecurity.

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